Event rules

  • Everyone is equal in our events so treat each participant accordingly.
  • It’s good to have a sense of humour and be yourself. However, you shouldn’t let your actions bother other participants in the event and ruin their event experience.
    If your actions are bothering other participants, the organisers have the right to remove you from the event.
  • Do not take pictures or record audio or video in our events without permission from the people in the recording. The recorded material may not be published in social media without the permission from everyone appearing in the material.
  • The use of alcohol is not mandatory in any of our events. Do not pressure anyone into drinking alcohol.
  • Any kind of bullying, harassment or discrimination will not be tolerated. Each case is taken seriously and will be acted upon.
  • Events organised by Magna Carta ry adhere to the rules and instructions set by JYY and The University of Jyväskylä in regard to safety and equality.